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Soberlink SL2 Cellular + GPSBI's breakthrough mobile device, SL2, not only
makes monitoring easier and more convenient, it offers tamper detection to affirm client accountability

Tamper Detection


The SL2 contains multiple tamper detection features to confirm the integrity of each breath test. Internal sensors in the device evaluate the airflow at several different stages during the breath submission.

All SL2 features play a role in tamper detection, including:

• High-resolution camera
• DOT grade fuel cell
• Multiple internal tamper sensors



Tamper Flags

The breath values taken during the test pass through a patent
pending algorithm where the Automated Monitoring Portal will clearly flag any test that is not consistent with a typical breath sample.



Client Agreement

One way to reduce attempted tampering within the monitoring
population is by establishing a client agreement. This signed contract should clearly outline specific expectations for testing and emphasize the fact that every breath test is evaluated and will be flagged if it fails to pass BI'S tamper detection algorithm.


Electronic Resource Associates, LLC. - 7522 Wiles Road Suite B207 Coral Springs, FL 33067 - Phone: 954-703-6033

Site Developed by: Synergy Soup Interactive

Copyright 2009 - Electronic Resource Associates, LLC.